Wednesday, March 26, 2008


I always thought to have a blog you have to write about something amazing. Well, I've noticed that isn't always the case. So hey, I thought I'd give it a shot. Writing isn't my biggest strength, but here goes some random thoughts to start it out!

Camping is Terrific with a capital T. If you like camping, then you're cool. I like camping, therefore I am cool. If I said, "Hey, do you like camping?" And you responded, "Heck yes I do!" Then you've made the Cool list. Cool people are just cool. So, if you are cool, and I am cool, and we both like camping, lets be cool together and camp. Hurray for warm weather in AZ.

There's something about the fresh air, the tall trees, the billions of stars visible at night, the sound of the babbling creek as you take a nap, no stress about any upcoming tests, and squirrels who squeak at you if you are too close to their tree. Yes they do get upset if you are too close. I went on an excursion into the Grand Ol' Rim up north a few months back. I was able to see elk, bears and squirrels. Many of them. As we were coming up on some elk, a squirrel got very upset we decided to sit next to its tree. Sadly, we had no bb gun to silence the noise. However, we were able to stay hidden and no harm done. Back from the tangent, I love how different it feels to be completely surrounded by forest, with no calls/texts to return. Just me and mother nature. Along with some good friends and SOBE bombs :) Hurray for warm weather AND camping in AZ.

SIXLETS. Mmmmazing candy. I loved it when I was 5 and I love it now just the same. I recently found some at the local candy store called Fuzzywigs (spelling?). I was so excited to see this long lost friend and gobble it up. I was even happier when shopping at Wal-Mart for groceries when I came upon a bag of sixlets in the Easter candy isle. Sweet! So, I bought some. I offered Lisa some the other day and she refused, as well as the last few people I've offered. I'm sure Brad still wonders why I can't understand why people aren't as excited about them as I am. I think the fact that there are more than 6 sixlets in each package throws a lot of people off. It is misleading, but that shouldn't stop anyone from enjoying their delectable goodness. Try telling Lisa that, she still won't give in. Sigh. I guess I shall eat them all alone.

Small town aren't always as great as they seem. I know that firsthand. I don't like to admit this to very many people, but here goes for the world to see...I grew up in Superior, Arizona. Phew, I said it. Yes, the town that takes two minutes to drive through and had only one stoplight that was taken out not too long ago due to the expenses of keeping it working. That was a sad day in Superior. Its also the town that was a sight to where a few movies were filmed, including Eight Legged Freaks. Ever seen it? Don't. U-turn, seen it? Don't. Rated R for RIDICULOUS!! Or so I've been told. Even though its fame from movies has been made, it doesn't make a difference if the movies are duds. If you think small towns shelter children, think again. The only thing I was sheltered about was to how many LDS people there were in the world, and only a 40 min drive away! There were times when my family made up the whole primary. There's only 6 children in my family. So I guess you could say it was a shock when I moved and went to church where the ward was split at least 5 times within the first couple years I lived there. There were good times in Superior. The scenery is beautiful, although at the time I strongly disliked desert and couldn't understand the need for cactus. Actually, I still don't. Why do people landscape their yard with cactus? Especially when they have children. Just another mystery to me. Back to scenery, it was free roam growing up. I still remember getting lost with my brother and his friend in a place that was off limits. We even hid from the workers so we wouldn't get in trouble, despite wanting to be found and close to dehydration. Alas, we gave in and were found. Luckily. I've never been forced to drink so much water in my life after that. Hiking, exploring, camping, building forts, catching animals, daring to walk through the cemetary at night, riding bikes, eating at the local DQ (which was amazing, but is now closed down), getting lost and playing with mud were the highlights of growing up in Superior. I do recommend hiking the Picket Post, the big mountain just west of the town. Its a great hike with a spectacular view!

For now, that is it. I must be getting back to life. Doing what I do best.