"Life’s challenges and changes provide opportunities for us to grow as we exercise our agency in making righteous decisions." ---Elder Steven E. Snow
It hit me a few weeks ago in church when I came to the realization that Nursing school has taken the forefront in my life. Of course, it will take a lot of my focus, but it doesn't have to take all of my focus for me to be successful. I've started to lose touch with Elena. I don't want that anymore! So...I had an epiphany yesterday. I needed a physical outlet for all my stress, and to improve my energy throughout the week to get everything done. Dance isn't available right now, especially since I'm unemployed and it costs $$. But, I can still work out. I don't need a gym to do that... so, bring it on P90X, yoga, and running shoes! :)
The 2nd part of my new goal is to go to bed between 10-1030 on weekdays, and wake up between 6-630, allowing me time to workout, shower, eat, and study. But not just school study, scripture study. I really need to strengthen my "armor". Recently I was challenged to read the whole Book of Mormon between now and the end of August, estimating about two chapters per day. It is do-able. It will help me, and not only will it help me but it will enable me to reach outside MY circle of needs, and help meet others. I need some outward focus in my life, because it makes my problems and struggles seem more bearable and easier to overcome.
I feel good. Today was the first day of my new goals. It felt great. I wasn't rushed to get to school. I was able to focus, and I felt more awake. I'm excited. And, I just wanted to share it.
I feel so grateful to be alive. I'm grateful for a healthy body, and the opportunity to make it even healthier. I'm grateful for such an amazing family, and I can't imagine life without them. I'm grateful for all the opportunities the Lord has blessed me with, and for my Savior who's love and understanding makes life so much easier to endure.
"We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things." ---A of F 1:13