Friday, May 30, 2008

Sick Days

I woke up Wednesday morning very sick. I won't go into too many details, but let's just say I really bonded with a good ol' friend. (Note: not my actual toilet) I haven't been this sick in years, so it wasn't very fun. Not like it would make it more fun if it happened more often, but it really made me appreciate the days I am healthy.

Being sick also highlights some of the great friends, and family, I have. Mad props to Lisa Andrews and Diana Lilly for being their amazing selves. Lisa supported me with some Sprite, which tastes MUCH better than water when you're sick. Diana brought over some chicken noodle soup, and a really cool gift. These girls are freakin sweet!! Boys, whoever ends up with either will definitely be the lucky ones!! My mom is amazing as well, providing jello, soup and a movie. Along with a sister who stayed to comfort me. You guys rock.

Today, I am back to work. It's funny how you can still have thoughts in the back of your head wishing you could be sick to not go to work, when in reality you were just REALLY sick and it was completely miserable. . .Oh well. On my way to 100% recovery. Nearing the goal as we speak, er. . . I mean as I type.

It feels good to be taken care of. It doesn't happen like this very often, and frankly I am happy for that. It may have been very simple acts of kindness that anyone would do for a sick friend, but it made all the difference to me. When it doesn't happen every day, I learn to truly appreciate the times it does, and the people involved. So, again, thank you very much!!! :)

The End.

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