Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Nursing School!

It kicks my trash. Hardcore. But I love it! I'm now in my 4th week and I just took my first test yesterday and passed it with a lovely 87.5% :) Phew! If I get through nursing school being a B student I will be thrilled!

Here's a pic of me in my uniform on my first day of clinical/lab.

It is so hard. And I've really lost ALMOST whatever I had of any social life with all my life changes recently. I have no time to do anything really. My friend advised me to make it my "pretty little girlfriend"... but since I'm a girl, I'm say my "hunky boyfriend". I have to put a TON of time and effort into it. And it keeps me from hanging out with all my friends on a regular basis. But its ok. It is worth it.

I have also been full of gratitude lately. Gratitude to my Heavenly Father, and my family. This would be SO hard to do without them. They keep me going, and support me and love me. I knew it would be hard, but at the same time I had no idea. The tender mercies of the Lord have really opened my eyes to how aware He is of me. To how much He wants to bless me and take care of me if I let Him. Its the greatest feeling in the world.

Also, the weather of AZ has made me VERY happy. These amazing clouds and blue skies have lifted my stressed out spirit. haha. I truly cannot wait to get up to the mountains and go camping once it warms up a bit. I'm a baby and hate camping in the snow and when it is really cold.

I love life!!!


Lisa Andrews said...

You look oober tired in your pic. Cute outfit though :) It's fun to know that I'm one of the few people that still gets to see you.

EJ said...

Oober? haha. Oh geeze... and you're right. I was extreeeemely tired. It was 630 in the FREAKIN morning! But I am very glad that with my future career choice I will get to wear clothes that are just as comfy as my pj's :)