Monday, April 21, 2008

Quotes for Thought

"Stand for something, or you will fall for anything"
I do not remember where I heard this or whom to give recognition. It is one of my favorite quotes because the words are so simple and so true. If we do not hold fast and strong for anything in this life, we can be tossed about by anything and everyone around us. As members of the church we are taught at an early age how to gain testimonies and nurture our seed of faith. If we have a testimony that Joseph Smith saw God the Father and His son, Jesus Christ, and translated the Book of Mormon, then we have a very sturdy foundation and we are standing for something. If we believe that, then by default we can have the faith to believe that Christ lives, that there is life after death, that He will come again. The scriptures tell the truthfulness of it. I know that as we stand for truth, God will give us the strength to overcome the world we live in.
"Discerning and accepting the will of God in our lives are fundamental elements of asking in faith in meaningful prayer. However, simply saying the words “Thy will be done” is not enough. Each of us needs God’s help in surrendering our will to Him." (David A. Bednar, Ask In Faith, Conference Apr 08)
This is something I am still figuring out how to do. I sometimes find myself asking for ways that my will can come to pass, rather than understanding and strength for the Lord's will. I have learned that our life really is in the Lord's hands, and in His time. I definitely don't understand everything, or why things happen the way they do. Not now at least. Looking back, I can see why things have happened the way they did. I know that even though I have struggles now, I will see the outcome of them if I can be strong and ask in faith for the Lord to strengthen me and for His will to be done.
“Let us not live a life … that would bring regret. … It is not going to matter very much how much money you made, what kind of a house you lived in, what kind of a car you drove, the size of your bank account—any of those things. What is going to matter is that dear woman who has walked with you side by side as your companion through all of the years of life and those children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren and their faithfulness and their looking to you … with respect and love and deference and kindness. … The only things you will take with you, when all is said and done, are your family relationships. … God bless us to be good fathers, … good parents, and good husbands to our good wives” (Gordon B. Hinckely, meeting, Pleasant Grove, Utah, Jan. 18, 2003).
We can be so consumed by our day to day lives that we overlook the simple and precious miracles all around us! Gordon B. Hinckley states this very well. We will not take anything physical with us to the next life, so we should do all in our power to strengthen our relationships with family and those around us and attain as much knowledge as we can. I like to reference this quote to my earlier blog on the story of Mary and Martha. I think the principles taught can go hand in hand.
"Don't regret it, learn from it." (Me)
This is something I like to tell myself, and have used in many conversations. I don't believe that things happen by "coincidence". I believe there is a purpose behind everything, whether or not we come to realize it in the moment or five years down the road. Don't mistake me, I don't believe in destiny or the term "soul mate". I know we all have agency with the room to make our own choices. These choices are led by the true desires of our heart, the person who we truly are. So if we've made a choice, wether good or bad, we should acknowledge that we made it. There is no turning back, the only way we can press forward it to learn and to act on what we have learned. The past does not define who we are, its who we become. What we put into it.
"A woman of faith trusts God and faces adversity with hope. A woman of faith is confident because she understands the divine plan of our Heavenly Father and her role to bless lives. A woman of faith is fearless. She fears no evil, for God is with her... A woman of faith loves the Lord... by the life she lives, by the words she speaks, by the service she renders to His children, by her every action." (Margaret D. Nadauld, A Woman of Faith, Liahona Nov, 2002)
This whole talk is amazing, I advise each one of my fellow sisters to read it! It is inspiring and speaks to each and every one of us. You can feel your worth through this sister's words.
"I have been driven many times upon my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had nowhere else to go. My own wisdom and that of all about me seemed insufficient for that day." (Abraham Lincoln)
My dear friend Lisa has shared this quote with me on a few different occassions. I have come to share that same appreciation for it that she does. Honest Abe and I have something in common. I've come to learn (yes, the hard way) I am absolutely NOTHING without a loving Father in Heaven, and His son Jesus Christ. Without the power and privilege of prayer I would have stayed a lost sheep a long time ago.
"If you look at what you don't have in life, you have nothing, but if you look at what you do have in life, you have everything."
I have the Gospel. I have a temple to attend often. I have my family. I have friends. I have a Father who holds the Priesthood worthily. I have a testimony. I have a Father in Heaven who loves me, and an elder brother who laid down His life for me. I think I'm pretty well taken care of :)
"The only way out is through"
"If the Lord will bring you to it, He will bring you through it."
That's the truth.
"Don't be a scrub! Rise to the high ground of spiritual, mental, and physical excellence. You can do it. You may not be a genius. You may be lacking in some skills. But so many of us can do better than we are now doing...We are people with a present and with a future. Don't muff your opportunities. Be excellent." (Gordon B. Hinckley, The Quest for Excellence, Ensign, Sept. 1999, 4-5)
What more do you need to hear than this? We should constantly be workin on improving ourselves! I know I need as much help and work as I can get. Be excellent.
"Be grateful. Be smart. Be clean. Be true. Be humble. Be prayerful." (Gordon B. Hinckley, A Prophet's Counsel and Prayer for Youth, New Era, Jan. 2001)
Need I say more? He's telling us plainly how we should be. The formula is simple, but requires action on our end. Everything good in life takes a bit of hard work!

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